
Buckeye Brewing - Hippie IPA

Buckeye Brewing - Hippie IPA

Craft Brewer from Cleveland, Ohio.

My brother-in-law to be (3 weeks to go), Joe, took me to the Beer Engine in Lakewood, Ohio (10 mins from downtown Cleveland) to take in a few beers and a sandwich before we went to the Indians game.

I only had a sample of the other Buckeye beers but this one rules the roost of the one's I tried (mostly lagers). None of the others were worth getting a pint of...I always try to get the beer of the city/region that I am in since I can't get them back home in Cincinnati. The Beer Engine is the home of Buckeye Brewing so I had to start with them.

Hippie, pours a nice amber with a slight white head. Very much a beer for hop heads, as the explosion of hops is apparent from start to finish (smell, taste, after taste). There is also a caramel malt flavor. Other people didn't think this was quite as bitter as I did, but that was what truly came through in my tasting. Not the best IPA I have had, but was decent and I would probably get another if I ever went back.

Who: Joe
Where: Beer Engine
Price: $$
Score: 3 / 5

Happy Drinking!

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