
Magic Hat - Odd Notion (Spring)

Magic Hat - Odd Notion Spring 2008

The spring brew from Magic Hat. Available in Pandora's Box (4 types of beer 3 of each kind in the box). It was an Irish Ale styled beer (which makes sense with St. Patricks Day in the spring).

The beer pours a very nice amber red color with a very small or almost no head. It has a simple taste and not as bitter as the Great Lakes (Conway's Irish). You can very much smell the cinnamon, ginger and cardamon in the beer. Those flavors also leave a nice spicy feel to the mouth when you are drinking the beer.

It was easy to drink and I am not upset that I gave it a try. Definitely not my favorite beer but very drinkable.

Who: They Guys
Where: My House
Price: $$
Score: 3 / 5

Happy Drinking!

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