
Dogfish Head Midas Touch

Beer #6 from the parents.

Dogfish Head Midas Touch Golden Elixir

White wine meets beer, a very interesting combination. I have never tried anything like this and was pleasantly surprised. It poured a very nice honey-amber color with almost no head. Smells of honey, champagne grapes and saffron. Imagine mixing a light lager with champagne and this is what you get with Midas Touch. I don't think that I could have had more than just the one, but it was a nice find by my parents. I do enjoy champagne every once and awhile, so this was a nice beer.

This was such a different take on beer and I would recommend everyone to give this a try. I doubt that I will have this stashed in my collection but it was a good experience.

Who: Cathy
Where: Home
Price: Free
Score: 4 / 5

Happy Drinking!

1 comment:

Amateur said...

Nice blog, I just found it and see you've tried a lot of beers, even the stuff from the East Coast!