
Asheville Brewing Shiva IPA

Cathy and I took a long weekend to visit friends in Johnson City, TN and on Friday we took a day trip to Asheville, NC for some shopping and a few beers.

The first stop was the Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company. While we didn't try the pizza, the beer selection was right on. The beer-tender suggested the Shiva IPA (pronounced She-Vah) and I listened.

Had from the draught it pours a cloudy yellow/orange color. Smells of citrus and floral hops. Tastes very much like the smell, a great combination of grapefruit and hops. Surprisingly smooth yet bitter. A very pleasing beer start to finish. The beer was very drinkable and I easily could have had 3-4 and not gotten tired of it. Sadly, we were on time constraints and had to move on. If I ever see this on tap I would have it again.

Who: Cathy
Where: Asheville Pizza and Brewing Co
Price: $$
Score: 4 / 5

Happy Drinking!

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