
Sierra Nevada - ESB

Sierra Nevada Early Spring Beer.

West Coast taste on a Extra Special or Strong Bitter. Starts off with a nice amber color and smells of both hops and malt. I was expecting something that was more bitter than it was, but the malt really comes through to sweeten up and to smooth out that bitter flavor.

My brother Cody had asked me if I had tried this beer yet and thought that I would enjoy it. After that conversation it was the next 6 pack that I purchased. He was right and I did enjoy the beer. I have been recommending it to a few friends who enjoy the slightly bitter tasting beers.

What I liked most was the drinkability. I felt I could easily have 2 or 3 and not be tired of it. Not usually likely when it comes to me and the ESB's.

Who: Cathy
Where: Home
Price: $$
Score: 4 / 5

Happy Drinking!

1 comment:

Matt said...

thanks for the heads up, I am going to check this out this month.